Tag Archives: witness


Some days it’s easy to be a warrior for Christ. The other 364 days however…

In Acts chapter 1 verse 8, Jesus says (paraphrasing) …and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the world.

This is something the apostles didn’t necessarily want to hear because Jesus wasn’t letting them off the hook. You see, Jerusalem was the capital of the Jewish world. The 12 knew that city well. It wouldn’t be a big deal to preach and teach there; they had already. Judea was the home region of most of the apostles so it wasn’t out of their comfort zone to heal, make the lame walk, or raise people from the dead in that location. It would take a bit more effort but it was completely do-able.

Samaria was a new ballgame.

Nobody wanted to go to Samaria. Jews hated Samaritans because they were half-breeds and Gentiles hated them because, on the social scale, they were even lower than Jews. Traveling Jewish pilgrims would go hundreds of miles out of their way to go around Samaria if necessary. In the Jewish eye, nothing good could ever come from Samaria.

Jesus didn’t care about the social ramifications. He knew that the people of Samaria needed to hear His gospel and be given the chance to be saved. Christ knew his apostles wouldn’t like it. He knew they would be uncomfortable. He knew they would loath every minute of it. Jesus knew His followers would worry about what others would think if they knew where they where.

Jesus knew…and sent them anyway.

When I find it more difficult to let my light shine, I think on Acts 1:8. It reminds me that Jesus understands. He knows that it can be hard for me to share my faith. It can be uncomfortable to tell others what He has done for me. It can be a very vulnerable, scary experience.

Jesus knows…but He expects us to do it anyway.

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